The following lists summarize the journal papers, the conference articles, the seminars and the oral presentations that have been delivered, published or submitted by the ESRs and/or their supervisors in the framework of INSPIRE.

Publications in peer-reviewed international journals

Aguzzi G., Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Wiltshaw, R., Craster, R.V., Chatzi, E., Colombi, A. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12,
Basone, F., Bursi, O.S., Aloschi, F. (ESR10), Fischbach G. Vibration mitigation of a MDoF system subjected to stochastic loading by means of hysteretic nonlinear locally resonant metamaterials, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11: 9728.
Cazzolli, A., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2020). Flutter instability and Ziegler destabilization paradox for elastic rods subject to non-holonomic constraints. Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME, in press. doi:
Cazzolli, A., Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D. (2020). Non-holonomic constraints inducing flutter instability in structures under conservative loadings. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 138, 103919. doi:; arxiv
Cazzolli, A., Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2020). Elastica catastrophe machine: theory, design and experiments. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 136, 103735. doi:; arxiv:
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A., Guenneau S., Marzani A., Cloaking strategy for Love waves, Extreme Mechanics Letters 50 (2022) 101564.
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A., Diatta A.,Guenneau S., Marzani A., Cloaking Rayleigh waves via symmetrized elastic tensors, (under review)
Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Colombi,  A., Dertimanis, V., Chatzi E. (2022). Computational Verification and Experimental Validation of the Vibration-Attenuation Properties of a Geometrically Nonlinear Metamaterial Design. Phys. Rev. Appl. 17( 5): 054023.
Dal Corso, F., Tallarico, D., Movchan, N., Movchan, A., Bigoni, D. (2019). Nested Bloch waves in elastic structures with configurational forces. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 377: 20190101. DOI:; arxiv
Fuggini, C., Kontogeorgos, M. (ESR11), Osmani, S., Bolletta, F. (2022). Resilience of Infrastructures and Systems to Multiple Hazardous Events: Application Cases and Future Perspectives. in book: Critical Infrastructure – Modern Approach and New Developments, IntechOpen, DOI:10.5772/intechopen.108548
Hima, N. (ESR08), Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F. (2022). Buckling vs unilateral constraint for a multistable metamaterial element. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 380: 20220021.
Hima, N.  (ESR08), D’Annibale, F., Dal Corso, F. (2023). Non-smooth dynamics of buckling based metainterfaces: rocking-like motion and bifurcations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 242: 108005.
Kalderon, M. (ESR15),  Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., 2-D Dynamic Directional Amplification (DDA) in Phononic Metamaterials, Materials 2021, 14(9), 2302;
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., Sapountzakis, E.J., “Locally resonant metamaterials utilizing Dynamic Directional Amplification: an application for seismic mitigation”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 110, October 2022, Pages 1-16.
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Antoniadis I., “Dynamic modelling and experimental testing of a Dynamic Directional Amplification mechanism for vibration mitigation”, J. Vib. Eng. Technol., (2023).
Kalogerakou, M. (ESR09), Kapasakalis, K., Antoniadis, I., & Sapountzakis, E. (2022). Vertical seismic protection of structures with inerter-based negative stiffness absorbers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-42 
Kalogerakou, M. (ESR09), Paradeisiotis, A. & Antoniadis, I. Vertical seismic absorber utilizing inertance and negative stiffness implemented with gas springs. Earthq. Eng. Eng. Vib. 22, 225–241 (2023). 
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Psycharis N., Yang, H., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B. (2022). Seismic resonant metamaterials for the protection of an elastic-plastic SDOF system against vertically propagating seismic shear waves (SH) in nonlinear soil. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162,
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Rangelow, P., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B. (2023). Linear and nonlinear dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction for Nuclear Power Plants. Submitted.
Kapasakalis, K., Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniou, M. (ESR12), and Sapountzakis, E.J. Performance Evaluation of Distributed Extended KDamper Devices for Seismic Protection of Mid-Rise Building Structures., Journal of Earthquake Engineering (2022) (under review).
Kontogeorgos, M. (ESR11), Fuggini, C. (2022). Meta-Material Layout for the Protection of Buried Steel Pipes against Surface Explosion. Geotechnics 2(2), 427-440: 10.3390/geotechnics2020020
Kontogeorgos, M. (ESR11), Fuggini, C. (2023). Meta-Material Layout for the Blast Protection of Onshore Steel Pipes. Geotechnics  (under review process)
Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), Misseroni, D., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F.  (2023). Stabilization against gravity and self-tuning of an elastic variable-length rod through an oscillating sliding sleeve. Submitted.
Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), D., Bigoni, D., Dal Corso, F.  (2023). Double restabilization and design of force-displacement response of the extensible elastica with movable constraints. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, in press.
Mantakas, A (ESR07), Kapasakalis, K, Alvertos, E, Antoniadis, I, Sapountzakis, E. A negative stiffness dynamic base absorber for seismic retrofitting of residential buildings. Struct Control Health Monit. (2022); 29( 12):e3127. doi:10.1002/stc.3127
Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Tsatsis, A., Loli, M. et al. Seismic response of a motorway bridge founded in an active landslide: a case study. Bull Earthquake Eng 21, 605–632 (2023).
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A., Cheng Z. B., Shi Z. F., and Marzani A. (2020). Seismic metasurfaces on porous media: surface resonators and fluid-solid interaction effects on the propagation of Rayleigh waves. International Journal of Engineering Science, 154, Deposited:
Pu. X. B (ESR03), Palermo A., Marzani A. (2021) Lamb’s problem for a half-space coupled to a generic distribution of oscillators at the surface.  International Journal of Engineering Science, 168, 103547. Doi:
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo, A., & Marzani, A. (2022). A multiple scattering formulation for finite-size flexural metasurfaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 478(2262), 20210669. Doi:
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo, A., & Marzani, A. (2022). Topological edge states of quasiperiodic elastic metasurfaces. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 181, 109478. Doi:
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo, A., & Marzani, A. (2022). A multiple scattering formulation for elastic wave propagation in space-time modulated metamaterials, (under review)
Paradeisiotis A., Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis, I., Advanced Negative Stiffness Absorber for Low Frequency Noise Insulation of Panels, AIP Advances 11, 065003 (2021);
Paradeisiotis, A., Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis I., Sound Transmission Loss at Low Frequencies: Effects of Mounting Stiffness and Damping for Single Leaf Plasterboard Partitions. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control, (under review).
Radhima J., Kanellopoulos C. (ESR05), Gazetas G. (2021). Static and dynamic lateral non-linear pile–soil–pile interaction. Géotechnique 72, No. 7, 642-657,
Sabat, R. (ESR14), Y. Pennec, G. Lévêque, D. Torrent, C. Ding, B. Djafari-Rouhani, Single and coupled Helmholtz resonators on sound control, Journal of applied physics 132, no.6 (2022)

Publications in international conference proceedings

Aloschi F. (ESR10), Bursi O.S., Palermo A., Marzani A., Dispersion analysis of periodic structures performed by applying experimental Floquet-Bloch conditions to the unit-cell, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, Warsaw, Poland, July 12th to July 15th 2020 (postponed to July 2021 due to Covid-19)
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A., Guenneau S., Marzani A., Cloaking of Love waves. 16th International Conference of Dynamical Systems- Theory and Applications, December 6-9th 2021, Online.
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A., Guenneau S., Marzani A., Cloaking of Elastic waves. 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 5-7 July 2022, Athens, Greece (Abstract for oral presentation)
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A, Guenneau S., Diatta A., Marzani A, A cloaking strategy for elastic surface waves. XXV AIMETA 2022, 4-8 September 2022, Palermo, Italy.
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A, Guenneau S., Diatta A., Marzani A, 3-D cloak for surface elastic waves. 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena-Metamaterials 2022, 12-17 September 2022, Siena, Italy.
Chatzopoulos Z. (ESR04), Palermo A, Guenneau S., Diatta A., Marzani A, Cloaking surface defects from Rayeigh waves using anisotropic symmetric yet feasible materials. EMI International Conference, 27-30 August 2023, Palermo, Italy.
Chondrogiannis, K. (ESR01), A., Dertimanis, V., Masri, S., Chatzi, E., Vibration absorption performance of metamaterial lattices consisting of impact dampers., XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020.
Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Dertimanis, V., Jeremic, B., Chatzi, E., On the vibration attenuation properties of metamaterial design using negative stiffness elements., 2nd International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, NODYCON 2021, Online, February 16-19, 2021.
Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Dertimanis, V., Chatzi, E., Application of Geometrically Nonlinear Metamaterial Device for Structural Vibration Mitigation., A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 40th IMAC, Orlando, FL, USA, February 7–10, 2022.
Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Dertimanis, V., Chatzi, E., A metamaterial design for structural vibration mitigation exploiting geometrically nonlinear behaviour., 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC 2022, Athens, Greece, July 5–7, 2022.
Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Dertimanis, V., Chatzi, E., On the vibration attenuation performance of a geometrically nonlinear device mounted to a multi-storey structure., 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2023, Athens, Greece, 12-14 June, 2023. (Paper Accepted)
Dal Corso F., Cazzolli A., Misseroni D., Elastica Catastrophe Machine for teaching snap instabilities in structural mechanics. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 25th ICTAM, Milan, Italy, 2021. (Extended abstract accepted for oral presentation)
Dal Corso, F., Koutsogiannakis, P.  (ESR06), Bigoni D. (2022) “How extensibility may affect the buckling of a rod constrained by a curved profile” XXV AIMETA Conference, September 4-9, 2022, Palermo, Italy.
Dal Corso, F., Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), Misseroni, D., Papathanasiou, T., Bigoni D. (2022) “From divergent to steady motion through oscillatory configurational forces” ESMC 2022 – 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 4-8, 2022, Galway, Ireland.
Dal Corso F., Koutsogiannakis P.(ESR06), Misseroni D., Papathanasiou T., Bigoni D., Oscillating configurational constraints and nonlinear dynamics of extremely deformable structures. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 25th ICTAM, Milan, Italy, 2021. (Extended abstract accepted for oral presentation)
Dal Corso, F., Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), Misseroni, D., Papathanasiou, T., Bigoni D. (2022) “The fall of a rod constrained by a sliding sleeve subject to a periodic oscillation” IConSoM 2022 – International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, June 13-16, 2022, Alghero, Italy.
Dal Corso, F., Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), Misseroni, D., Papathanasiou, T., Bigoni D. (2021) “Oscillatory configurational forces” ELADYN-NLS-2021: Advances in ELAstoDYNamics, NonLinear Mechanics and Stability of architected materials, November 18-19, 2021 – Créteil, France.
Hima, N.(ESR08), Castellano, M.G., Seismic Isolation of buildings in Croatia., 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1CroCEE, Zagreb, Croatia – March 2021.
Hima, N. (ESR08), Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D., Novel structural configuration of Mechanical Metamaterials for Seismic Isolation., 3rd  International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC2022, Athens, Greece, 2022 (Abstract Submitted)
Hima, N. (ESR08), Dal Corso, F., Bigoni, D., Tensile buckling and postbuckling behaviour of triangular structural elements under dead loads., 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 25th ICTAM, Milan, Italy, 2021 (Extended Abstract Submitted)
Hima, N. (ESR08), Murtaj, L., Castellano, M.G., Seismic Isolation vs Capacity Design in a RC building – Comparison of the behaviour and costs for the local conditions of Albania., International Symposium on Durrës Earthquakes and Eurocodes, ISDEE, Tirana, Albania, 2020 (Extended Abstract – Participated remotely 21 – 22 September 2020).
Hima, N. (ESR08), Murtaj, L., Castellano, M.G., The efficiency and feasibility of the seismic isolation solutions for the local conditions of Albania., 3rd  International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC2022, Athens, Greece, 2022 (Abstract Submitted & Accepted)
Hima, N. (ESR08), Dal Corso, F., Bigoni D. (2022) “A non-smooth structural system based on tensile buckling” ESMC 2022 – 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 4-8, 2022, Galway, Ireland
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., Simulating Low Frequency Sound Transmission Loss of Mounted Panels., 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2021, Athens, Greece, 27—30 June 2021 (paper accepted for oral presentation).
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., A simple Meta-Surface Type Acoustic Metamaterial for Low Frequency Noise Isolation.,3rd  International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC2022, Athens, Greece, 2021 (Paper  Submitted)
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Paradeisiotis, A., Antoniadis, I., A Phononic Metamaterial Incorporating Directional Amplification for Low Frequency Isolation, ICONHIC 2021 Prep Virtual Workshop, 22-23 June 2021.
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., A Meta-structure for Low-frequency Acoustic Treatment Based on a KDamper-Inertial Amplification Concept, EURONOISE 2021, Madeira, Portugal, 25—27 October 2021, Pages 1333-1343.
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Kalogerakou, M (ESR09), Paradeisiotis A., Antoniadis, I., Locally resonant metamaterials utilizing Dynamic Directional amplification., 16th International Conference – Dynamical Systems–Theory and Applications 2021, 6—9 December 2021, Pages 216-217.
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Paradeisiotis, A., Antoniadis, I., A Phononic Metamaterial Incorporating Directional Amplification for Low Frequency Isolation, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC 2022), Athens, Greece, 5-7 July 2022.
Kalderon M.(ESR15), Mantakas A. (ESR07), Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Antoniadis I.A., A DDA-Enhanced Locally Resonant Metamaterial: Experimental Testing on a LEGO® Technic Assembly, XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft, The Netherlands, 02-05 July 2023. (Paper accepted)
Kalderon M. (ESR15), Mantakas A. (ESR07), Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Antoniadis I.A., Experimental Testing of a Dynamic Directional Amplifier (DDA) Enhanced Phononic Metamaterial on a LEGO® Technical Device, 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), Prague, 9-13 July 2023. (Extended abstract accepted)
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Antoniadis, I.A., “Experimental Study in Phononic Structures with DDA Enhanced Unitcells”, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece, 12-14 June 2023. (Paper accepted)
Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Antoniadis, I.A.(2022). “Εφαρμογή ενός καινοτόμου συστήματος δυναμικής ενίσχυσης (DDA) για την χαμηλόσυχνη ηχομόνωση κτιριακών στοιχείων”, 11o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο «ΑΚΟΥΣΤΙΚΗ 2022», Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα 14-16 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
Kalogerakou, M (ESR09), Kapasakalis, K, Antoniadis, I., Sapountzakis, E., Stiff Dynamic Absorbers for the Vertical Seismic Protection of Structures, 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 202l, Athens, Greece, 2021 (Paper Submitted)
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B., Use of the Domain Reduction Method to simulate the seismic response of an existing structure protected by resonating unit cell metamaterials, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020.
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Psycharis N., Anastasopoulos I., Stojadinovic B., Resonant metamaterials for the protection of an elastic-plastic SDOF system against vertically propagating seismic shear waves (SH) in nonlinear soil (Extended Abstract), 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Athens, Greece, July 5-7, 2022.
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Yang, H., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos I., Stojadinovic, B., Seismic Protection of a Reinforced Concrete Moment-Frame Building using Resonant Metamaterials: Finite Element Model Verification, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Eartquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022.
Kapasakalis, K.A., Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniou, M. (ESR12), Sapountzakis, E.J., “Performance Evaluation of Negative Stiffness-Based Vibration Control Devices for Seismic Protection of Building Structures”, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece, 12-14 June 2023. (Paper accepted)
Kapasakalis, K.A., Mantakas, A. (ESR07),  Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Sapountzakis, E.J., Antoniadis, Ι.Α., “Σεισμική Προστασία Υφιστάμενων Κτιρίων με Σεισμική Βάση Απορρόφησης Κραδασμών Αρνητικής Στιβαρότητας”, 5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας, 5ΠΣΑΜΤΣ, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα, 20-22 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
Kapasakalis K., Alvertos A. E., Mantakas A. (ESR07), Antoniadis I., Sapountzakis E., Advanced Negative Stiffness Vibration Absorber coupled with Soil-Structure Interaction for Seismic Protection of Buildings, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020.
Kontogeorgos M. (ESR11), Gerolymos N., Antoniadis I., ‘‘A Meta-material Layout for Blast Protection of Steel Pipes against Surface Explosion’’, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, Athens, 2020 (oral presentation)
Kontogeorgos M. (ESR11), Fuggini, C., (2022) Meta-materials and Resiliency of Energy Infrastructures: A review on current status and Future perspectives, in the proceedings of: 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, Athens, Greece, 2022
Kontogeorgos M. (ESR11), Fuggini, C., (2022) Meta-materials and the Built Envirnoment, Sustainable Places 2022, Nice, France, 2022 (virtual presentation)
Koutsogiannakis P. (ESR06), Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., A novel bifurcating force-limiting elastic structure. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 25th ICTAM, Milan, Italy, 2021. (Extended abstract accepted for oral presentation)
Koutsogiannakis P. (ESR06), Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., A novel force-limiting system based on bifurcation effects for the isolation of structures, ICONHIC 2022, Athens, Greece, 2022. (Abstract submitted)
Koutsogiannakis, P. (ESR06), Dal Corso, F., Bigoni D. (2022) “Bifurcation analysis of a soft rod constrained by a curved profile” ESMC 2022 – 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference, July 4-8, 2022, Galway, Ireland.
Koutsogiannakis P.(ESR06), Dal Corso F., Bigoni D., Bifurcation of the extensible elastica constrained by a curved profile, 13th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, 24-27 August 2022 (Oral presentation)
Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis, I.A., Sapountzakis, E.J., “Locally Resonant Metamaterials with Dynamic Directional Amplification for mitigation of seismic waves”, 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC 2022), Athens, Greece, 5-7 July 2022.
Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Kapasakalis, K.A., Antoniou, M. (ESR12), Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis, I.A., Sapountzakis, E.J., Design of a Negative Stiffness Vibration Absorber for Seismic Upgrade of Residential Buildings on Rocking Foundations, 13th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, Greece, 24-27 August 2022.
Mantakas, A. (ESR07), Chondrogiannis, K. A. (ESR01), Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Kapasakalis, K.A., Chatzi, E., Sapountzakis, E.J., Antoniadis, I.A., Design and Experimental Verification of an Extended KDamper – Based Vibration Absorber, XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023), Delft, The Netherlands, 02-05 July 2023. (Paper accepted)
Mantakas A. (ESR07), Kapasakalis K.A., Kalderon M. (ESR15), Antoniou. M (ESR12), Antoniadis I.A., Sapountzakis, E.J., 3D Numerical Investigation of an Extended KDamper Absorber for Seismic Retrofitting of Low-Rise Buildings, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece, 12-14 June 2023. (Paper accepted)
Murtaj, L., Hima, N. (ESR08), Castellano, M.G., Infanti, S., Behaviour of a seismically isolated building in Tirana under the Durrësi Earthquake of 26th of November., International Symposium on Durrës Earthquakes and Eurocodes, ISDEE, Tirana, Albania, 2020 (Extended Abstract – Participated remotely 21 – 22 September 2020).
Ouakka, S. (ESR13), Verlinden, O., Kouroussis, G., Using natural seismic metamaterials to mitigate railway ground-borne vibration,International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV28, Singapore, 2022.
Ouakka, S. (ESR13), Verlinden, O., Kouroussis, G., Mitigation measures dedicated to railway-induced ground vibration: an analysis of recent advances, 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV27), Prague, Czech Republic, 2021
Ouakka, S. (ESR13), Verlinden, O., Kouroussis, G., Railway vibration mitigation measures: a case study based on the T2000 tram circulating in Brussels, 3rd  International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, ICONHIC2022, Athens, Greece, 2022 (Abstract Submitted and Accepted)
Paradeisiotis, A., Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis, I., Fouriki, L., Acoustic performance of a panel utilizing negative stiffness mounting for low frequency noise control., XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020.
Paradeisiotis, A., Kalderon, M. (ESR15), Antoniadis, I.,  An enhanced KDamper absorber for low frequency Noise control of Panel, 10th GRACM International Conference in the field of Computational Mechanics, Athens, Greece, July 5-7, 2021 (abstract submitted).
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A, Marzani A, A Green’s function-based formulation to model Rayleigh waves interacting with finite-size metasurfaces, Preparatory Virtual Workshop of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, June 22-23, 2021,  Athens, GREECE.
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A, Marzani A, A 3D multiple scattering formulation to model elastic waves interacting with surface resonators, 16th International Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications, December 6-9, 2021.
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A, Marzani A, A multiple scattering formulation for elastic metasurfaces, XXV AIMETA conference, September 6-9, 2022.
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A, Marzani A, Analytical modeling of finite-size elastic metasurfaces: a multiple scattering formulation, 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2022, September 12-17, 2022.
Pu X. B. (ESR03), Palermo A, Marzani A, An analytical framework to model elastic waves propagation along finite-size metasurfaces, GIMC SIMAI YOUNG 2022 Workshop, September 29-30, 2022, Pavia, Italy.
Sabat, R. (ESR14), Y. Pennec, G. Lévêque, D. Torrent, B. Djafari-Rouhani, Effect of coupled Helmholtz resonators for low frequency sound manipulation, in ASME international mechanical engineering congress and exposition, vol.85543, American society of mechanical engineers (2021)
Sabat, R. (ESR14), Y. Pennec, G. Lévêque, D. Torrent, B. Djafari-Rouhani, Coupling Helmholtz resonators for sound manipulation, in 2021 Fifteenth international congress on artificial materials for novel wave phenomena (Metamaterials), IEEE (2021)


Dal Corso, F. “Snapping and restabilization of  soft structures through movable constraint”. Khalifa University – Abu Dhabi (UAE), March 13, 2023
Dal Corso, F., “Universal snap surface, the elastica catastrophe machine, restabilization and dynamics of one-dimensional structures subject to movable and configurational constraints”. University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila (IT), July 14, 2022.
Dal Corso, F., “Buckling, restabilization and snapping of extremely deformable structures”. Online Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos (GR), December 1, 2021.
Dal Corso, F., “Snapping and motion of elastic structures subject to movable and configurational constraints”. Mechanics and Materials Seminar, Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD, Los Angeles – CA (USA), February 10, 2020.
Dal Corso, F., “Soft structures with movable and configurational constraints”. Samueli School Of Engineering, UCLA, Los Angeles – CA (USA), February 7, 2020.
Dal Corso, F., “Snapping and dancing soft structures”. Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena – CA (USA), February 6, 2020.
Dal Corso, F., “Elastica Catastrophe machine and configurational forces in dynamics”. Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley, Berkeley – CA (USA), February 4, 2020.
Dal Corso, F., “Kinematics, motion and snapping mechanisms of structures subject to movable constraints”. SMSD Seminar, MIT, Cambridge – MA (USA), August 1, 2019.
Dal Corso, F., “Soft structures and movable constraints”. School of Engineering & Applied Science, Yale University, New Haven – CT (USA), July 31, 2019.
Dal Corso, F., “Buckling, self-restabilization, dynamics and resonance of elastic structures with configurational constraints”. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge – MA (USA), July 29, 2019.
Dal Corso, F. (2019) “Moving boundary value problems in the dynamics of structures” Factorisation of matrix functions: New techniques and applications, August 12-16, 2019, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences – University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom).
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Taciroglou, UCLA, December 6, 2021.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Konte, UC San Diego, December 20, 2021.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Daraio, Caltech, December 21, 2021.
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Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by the Geotechnical Graduate Student Society (GGSS) and Prof. Jeremic,, UC Davis, January 28, 2022.
“KDamper: An Advanced Negative Stiffness Vibration Absorber”, National Technical University of Athens booth, 86th Thessaloniki International Fair, Thessaloniki, Greece 10-18 September 2022.
Marzani, A., “Surface wave control via sub-wavelength resonant metamaterials”, KU Leuven, Campus Kortrijk (Belgium), February 5th, 2020.
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“Vibration Absorption Using Negative Stiffness Devices, INSPIRE BOOTH, 2022 Researchers night (NTUA), Athens, Greece, 30 September 2022.


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