
Constantinos Kanellopoulos

ETH Zürich


Constantinos was born in Athens, Greece in 1993. He graduated from the department of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens in November 2017 obtaining an equivalent-​to-masters diploma with specialization in earthquake engineering and dynamic soil-​structure interaction. In his diploma thesis he studied the linear and nonlinear dynamic interaction between pile foundations and soil using the finite element method.

After finishing with his military duties in August 2018, he started working as a research assistant in the group of Prof. G. Gazetas extending his research in pile groups and undertaking in parallel several projects relative to the dynamic soil-​structure interaction field.

Constantinos’ participation in INSPIRE aims to demonstrate, both numerically and experimentally, a novel, modular soil-​foundation-structure paradigm for structure protection from seismic waves using metamaterials. Such metamaterials will be optimized to maximize the risk reduction for a given portfolio of buildings.

Radhima J., Kanellopoulos C. (ESR05), Gazetas G. (2021). Static and dynamic lateral non-linear pile–soil–pile interaction. Géotechnique 72, No. 7, 642-657
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Psycharis N., Yang, H., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B. (2022). Seismic resonant metamaterials for the protection of an elastic-plastic SDOF system against vertically propagating seismic shear waves (SH) in nonlinear soil. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162,
Aguzzi G., Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Wiltshaw, R., Craster, R.V., Chatzi, E., Colombi, A. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12,
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Rangelow, P., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B. (2023). Linear and nonlinear dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction for Nuclear Power Plants. Submitted.
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos, I., Stojadinovic, B., Use of the Domain Reduction Method to simulate the seismic response of an existing structure protected by resonating unit cell metamaterials, XI International Conference on Structural DynamicsEURODYN 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020.
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Psycharis N., Anastasopoulos I., Stojadinovic B., Resonant metamaterials for the protection of an elastic-plastic SDOF system against vertically propagating seismic shear waves (SH) in nonlinear soil (Extended Abstract), 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Athens, Greece, July 5-7, 2022.
Kanellopoulos, C. (ESR05), Yang, H., Jeremic, B., Anastasopoulos I., Stojadinovic, B., Seismic Protection of a Reinforced Concrete Moment-Frame Building using Resonant Metamaterials: Finite Element Model Verification, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Eartquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES), Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Taciroglou, UCLA, December 6, 2021.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Konte, UC San Diego, December 20, 2021.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. Daraio, Caltech, December 21, 2021.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by Prof. UC Berkeley Student Chapter and Prof. Konstantinidis, UC Berkeley, January 26, 2022.
Kanellopoulos, C., (ESR05). Seismic Protection of Existing Structures using Seismic Resonant Metamaterials, hosted by the Geotechnical Graduate Student Society (GGSS) and Prof. Jeremic,, UC Davis, January 28, 2022.


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